Negeri Museum traveled to Aceh

Traveled to Aceh not only maritime and nature, you can also stop to Museum Negeri Aceh. Talk cruise tourism, do not just stare at the sprawling marine tourism due to berbatasannya the Malacca Strait, or the beautiful hills, the fields are beautiful but Aceh has also educational tours and travel or historical memory be a sign of an event epoch or era.

Other educational tour we can visit is the Museum Negeri Aceh which was established on 1 July 1913 in the era of the Dutch East Indies. The museum was inaugurated by the military and the civilian governor of Aceh HNA swarf. Museum Negeri Aceh was originally located on the east blang meadow Banda Aceh after the era of independence this museum was transferred to jl. Alaidin Sultan Mahmud Shah. The building area of ​​about 10.800 m2, at its inception shaped traditional Acehnese house, but now there is a new building being built next to the traditional Acehnese house functioned as a meeting hall. The purpose of establishing this museum as a museum symbol indigenous tribes who inhabited the region of Aceh.

 There are several historic buildings in the museum complex as that used by the native Acehnese such as Krong Pade, a granary used by the ethnic Acehnese, a large circular shape and made of woven bamboo shaped like a chicken kurunga jeungki, in the form of rice pestle made of timber, the unique shape unlike the existing mortar in Java, shape consisting of a long piece of wood used to pound rice and penampungya H-shaped and created and used by the ethnic Acehnese, there is also a giant bell chimes donya chakras.

In the Museum visiting hours Negeri Aceh
Hour visit for the tourists began the day Monday to Sunday. Monday-Thursday you can visit the Museum Negeri Aceh began at 8:30 to 13:30 pm, in contrast to Friday starting at 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. to coincide with Friday prayers. Saturday service hours starting at 08:30 to 12:30, while Sunday could start at 08:30 to 13:30 and afternoon open from 14:30 to 18:00 hours. The cost we should spend too did not make enough perforated bag with $ 0.15 you can go back to the days where native tribes living aceh with aceh home past form, other than that we can know how to process the results pertaniaannya mainly rice and simultaneously storing the agricultural produce ,

Transportation To Negeri Museum Aceh
A visit to the Museum Negeri could Aceh motor tricycles one alternative for those of you who want to sit back and enjoy the ride, motorcycle taxi drivers also do not forget to offer his services to wander Aceh, who wants to create its own or together with a partner other tourist venture. Banda Aceh city also provides rental services of motorcycles ranging from motorcycle, matic, and sport with requirements that are not too complicated. Rates offered when we only daily rent we have to spend money between $ 9 - $ 10, weekly $ 7.5 - $ 8.5 per day and monthly $ 6.5 - $ 7.5 can be cheaper per day.

All accommodation Negeri Museum Aceh
Hotels low cost and net widely available in the city of Banda Aceh there are many options that you can earn in this town, but if we want to feel the atmosphere of the old town come to Peunayong where once there were many ethnic china staying close to this area in addition to attractions, This place presents also the proximity to restaurants.

Traveling Tips To Negeri Museum Aceh
  1. Always polite and neatly dressed
  2. If the drive motor through the route you remember not to get lost
  3. Do not be embarrassed to ask anyone what if you're confused
  4. Do not forget to carry a spare battery if your camera requires you to replace the battery, because the price could be different from the price of the city where you live
  5. POWERBANK for the survival of advanced mobile phone you
  6. Use a hat because Negeri Museum Aceh is not a closed museum
  7. Do not be embarrassed to ask permalam hotel rates, ask for references your friends who've been to Aceh
  8. Do not be embarrassed to ask the price of each diet on the seller so that we are not fooled and have to pay more at the end.
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